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What Are You Producing?

Is This You? Are You Fulfilling Your Life's Purpose?

By Nicole AddisonPublished 5 years ago 3 min read
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What is it that you produce?

When you wake up every day, what is it that you put out into the world? Is it your very own? Does it make your heart sing?

Or is it a product of social conditioning? Are you forced into doing it? Has it been planted into your mind by roots that are not your own?

Is what you're doing truly part of who you are?

Whether we realize it or not, society has a constant and often very loud voice that fills our lives with what we "should" do and who we "should" be. It is often so naturalized that we don’t even second guess what it is that we are being pressured into doing. It’s what’s seen as the "norm" or what is deemed as "successful," or however you’d like to refer to it as. Either way, it shoves one into a box and forces them to live their life a certain way. To do certain things. To produce specific kinds of work. This is not a fulfilling life, but a pre-constructed obstacle race that we are each brain washed into running.

And if one were to try to break free from the race, one would likely have to fight against the grain. Think about it; how strongly are people encouraged to become independent painters, song writers, poets, musicians, etc. Not many. Why? Because society in structured in such a way that it purely emphasizes the obtainment of the money. It’s very unfortunate that so many are influenced into thinking certain ways due to these powers. People end up going to jobs that they hate, doing things that they don’t like doing, and producing outcomes that aren’t truly themselves. All in all, life becomes unfulfilling. Is this really the life that we should be living? Should we really only be focusing on the numbers?

Obviously it is much easier said than done. Society has such a tight grip over what messages make it into our lives and what we are influenced into believing. Advertising is embedded everywhere that we look. A much greater significance now than ever before is being placed upon owning expensive items, consuming new products, and continuously wanting more. We are lead to believe that this is the only way to become "good enough." But even then, does this process ever stop? Will we ever truly reach that end point of true satisfaction?

In order to accomplish this goal set out for us, we must have money. And a lot of it. We must be able to keep up with the constant production and availability of new consumer products. Hence, we are lead to believe that in order to "make it," we must acquire "successful" high paying jobs and produce whatever is involved in the contract. This may be what you truly desire, however it might also not be. Whether it be products or services, what you produce must be part of who you truly are. It must be fulfilling to you. A job is where we spend such a significant amount of our time, and remember that time cannot ever be retrieved. Don’t spend your life creating things that your heart is absent from. It is when we follow our life’s purpose that we leave our most significant mark on the planet. Your production matters, not for the money, but for the magnificent legacy that you are able to leave behind.

Life is meant to be lived doing exactly what one loves doing, and there should be no exceptions to this. If it’s singing, designing, blogging, doing research, or being in the great outdoors, everyone should have the opportunity to follow their hearts, regardless of what it is!

So take just a moment to look at what you’re producing. Is it yours? Does it leave you with a sense of fulfillment? Does your heart feel full at the end of each day?

The society around you might very well be a good one, of course. However, it shouldn’t be allowed to interfere with the remarkable calling from within your heart. It shouldn’t have such a tight grasp over your values, beliefs, and goals. You are a beautifully unique individual who deserves to form your own life path. It should not be cut out for you simply based on what society says is "right." You must stop to listen to your heart and see what it is telling you. Are you doing what you are meant to be doing?

Is this what you are meant to produce?

~Nicole Addison





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