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We Are All a Beautiful Mess

Have Courage Dear One

By Christine DPublished 6 years ago 3 min read

I've come to realise that life will never ever be what you expect it to be. On this journey of life you will come back time and again to realise things that you thought were true, weren't true at all.

Who you were at that moment and perceived reality in that way and who you are now will perceive things differently. We are all this jumbled up mess of fear and happiness and pain, this is what it is to be human.

The path of yoga (or any other path you are on to know yourself better) will really expose just how crazy and mixed up we really are. It will show us that we are a product of our parents, our culture and our experiences. As such we perceive the world. So all of us are walking around as this human mess of experience and conditioning. But it's ok because we are all the same, the best thing we can do is bring awareness to our own madness. Once you do this you will start to know yourself.

You can't deny it, it just is. This is where our humanity lies. In our ability to say, do you know that I'm all over the place but so is everyone else so it's ok. If we lose the ability to be vulnerable we lose the chance to connect with others going through the same struggle.

As our awareness grows we will one day be able to live in the eye of the storm and not be so affected by all these emotions. In the meantime when we do find ourselves in emotional turmoil let's just be gentle towards ourselves and allow what is there.

If you are an empathetic person the emotions you are feeling may not even be your own. Maybe your feeling your own pain plus the pain of others.

To get through the pain, you cannot ignore that it exists. Sometimes, you have to go so deeply into the pain that you stare it straight in the eye. Letting it penetrate deep into your heart, ripping it open.

Nothing lasts forever, once you come face to face with it, the energy is transformed. Then maybe you don't have to go through the same pain again. If you're brave enough to face it in complete awareness, your being will be transformed in some way.

You will become stronger because you faced it. You didn't drink it away or wash it down with a pill or try to forget it by being intimate with someone you know isn't right for you. These are all detours on your path towards the pain.

The only way to leave it behind is to walk straight into it. Feel it, feel it all. Let it break you. Who you really are can never be broken. You are already perfect. You are where you're supposed to be. Take a minute and look at how far you've come. Look what you have survived.

Stop being so hard on yourself dear one. I had a dream once in which a voice said, "In the end all is forgiven." It gave me so much comfort as I know deep in my heart that it's true. We are all out here trying to make it through this confusing, agonising, blissful and crazy experience called life. None of us are getting out alive, we are all just trying our best and that is always good enough.


About the Creator

Christine D

Passionate about love, philosophy and the spiritual path. My interests include: Yoga, Daoism and Hinduism.

My writing tries to communicate my experience of what it means to awaken to our true nature at this time on our planet.

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