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The Work-Life Balance Recipe

A Life of Fulfillment

By Bryan RichardsonPublished 6 years ago 3 min read
The work-life balance recipe

Can we take a moment to realize how many different types of people we encounter on a daily basis? With so many different personalities, needs, and expectations, it's no wonder how one can quickly lose sight of themselves. Often, we find ourselves relentlessly striving to make others comfortable, while neglecting our own needs. In this industry, we are conditioned to put others first no matter what. It is impossible to serve from an empty vessel. What steps do you take to unwind after a long day at work? How are you managing your time outside of work? You need to establish balance between work and personal time. You have to develop the ability to separate work, life, and understand how the relationship can complement one another.

Being stuck in a rut or routine is typically the general feeling described. Routines are a double-sided coin. As a manager, routine is something that is a necessity and your boss expects. Routine is why you were chosen to be a manager; you have proven your ability to manage more than just yourself. Now let’s flip that same coin. Routines can also become very predictable, and while they don’t take away any more of our energy they aren't necessarily restoring it, either. The problem with success is that it is only relative. Therefore, many people chase things they believe will make them happy, only to obtain them and continue to feel empty inside. Are you comparing your success others? Life is always changing, each person has a unique story to tell, pain, joy and everything in between. Our desires, values and self-fulfillment aren’t any different.

There is a point most people will experience burnout in their careers. For some, it can occur within the first few months; for others it could be years down the road. The reality is burnout is very difficult to overcome, because much like a high-powered vehicle spinning its tires and spewing out smoke, things become difficult to see clearly. Rest assured, with conviction and self-reflection, you can overcome this challenge and create security nets within your lifestyle to avoid going down this path again.

"Are you serving from an empty vessel? You could be headed for mental and even physical burnout."

Recharging the batteries.

Think of the last time you did something spontaneous. How did it make you feel? Are you making decisions outside of work that make you happy and encourage fulfillment? Don't spend your days off thinking about how soon you have to work again. Use the time to completely detach yourself and get a fresh perspective. Is there something new that you’ve wanted to try, but keep holding off? Is there a new yoga studio that has opened that you keep hearing great things about? Take a chance and try something new; you may be surprised at the outcome.

Oftentimes, I found myself counting down the time until I had to return to work. Instead I began to focus on what to do with my time off. The results were incredible as my focus and mood shifted exponentially. I no longer feel guilty about logging off my e-mail and getting back to business once I return to work.

Challenge yourself to do things that make you feel uncomfortable whenever possible. Doing this will expand your comfort zone and new opportunities to restore your energy. Before you know it, you are living life outside of work. Maybe even a life that has exceeded your wildest dreams. Don't be afraid to expect more out of life. There's plenty out there waiting for you to explore. After all, you're more than just a manager, you are still your own person with needs.



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