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Self Worth

Never confuse what you're offered, for what you're worth.

By summer sheehanPublished 6 years ago 3 min read

I used to think that I needed to jump on every opportunity, that every chance missed was a door shut and a step backwards. I thought what the universe presented to me was what I needed at the time, until I found myself living in a reality that wasn’t aligned with my true authenticity; in simplistic terms, it didn’t feel good. Your current reality is a reflection of your self worth. Not your actual worth, but the worth you believe yourself to have, because those are two very different things. You may believe you can’t get better than that unfulfilling job with the shitty boss. I bet you justify it every day in your head or to others, or better yet, you blame. What you really deserve is purpose, fulfillment, something that lights your soul on fire. But you don’t believe that, do you? I bet you’re even thinking, well not me, or I’ll never find that, or someday but not today. But here’s the truth: the universe only wants us to grow into our full authentic versions of self, and we are conditioned and taught off that path. We have learned to SURVIVE instead of THRIVE. The people, the places, the things, in your life are all manifestations of what you have attracted, accepted, and most of the time settled for.

See, we’re wired to accept what we can get, what we are offered, believing we’re not good enough for something better. And here’s a little secret; every single human feels this way. Whether their life is seemingly “better” than yours, they look to the next person who has something better, thinking exactly what you think, which is “I’m not good enough.” We all came to this earth with the same potential, with the same whole heart, eagerness to grow, and gravitation towards what we love. Whichever circumstances proved otherwise throughout your life, well you don’t need that anymore. You don’t have to hold onto that; you are not defined by your past, only by the choices you make now. Every time you say yes, you’re really saying “this is what I’m worth.”

You are not a victim. Stop victimizing people! The whole "poor me" thing is getting old and transparent. I don’t care where you come from or what you believe you can have. You’re only obstacle to something better is yourself. If you constantly wonder why this person treats you this way, or why your job sucks so bad, spoiler alert 🚨, it’s because YOU have accepted that’s what you deserve, and usually on a subconscious level, don’t believe you can have better. It's from childhood conditioning, but we're not getting into that today. It’s up to you to change what you don’t like. But how? By saying NO. Ditch those things and people that don’t feel good. That make you feel like you’re not worth it. That you don’t deserve THE BEST. Every NO is a step to higher self worth, better opportunities, more open doors. That is your power. Don’t like your job? Quit. Don’t like your relationship? BYE. Life is easy; we make it complicated. Because the longer you settle, the longer you energetically block anything better from coming through.

Yes, it DOES take that huge leap of faith to reap the benefits. That uneasiness of the unknown is what proves to the universe you fully trust it to bring you what you deserve. And trust me, you’ve already survived for so long settling for something that doesn’t serve you. You can do this. You can survive at rock bottom, you can make ends meet, because once you take that step to align with your truest self and desires, the universe WILL send you a bone. Ridding one huge negative block opens space for many little great things, immediately. When you say no, you open a space for something better. The question is: do you have the courage to take it?

self help

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