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Let's Talk About Getting Back To Being Happy

Life is far from easy! The challenges we face only make us stronger!

By Hills APublished 6 years ago 4 min read

One day I was roaming around Barnes & Noble when I came across a book that I knew I needed to purchase and read. Getting Back To Happy by Marc & Angel Chernoff has been a book that I have needed in my life for the past few months. I have struggled with depression, anxiety, insecurity, and trust issues for years. I’ve been in and out of treatment since high school. Two years ago, I went to an intense outpatient treatment program that got me back on track and has helped my life immensely.

Recently, I have noticed myself taking a few steps backwards. To prevent spiraling out of control, I decided that I needed to be proactive in my recovery and start taking steps to getting my happiness back. Throughout Getting Back To Happy, there are tips and suggestions to help get back on track. Getting Back To Happy is a journey. It will not happen overnight and as much as I would love to read the whole book and magically be happy again, I know that I have to do the hard work in order to obtain this happiness.

In this day and age, no matter where you go, we rush. We rush to get to work, we rush to get the actual work done, we rush to get home, and the list goes on and on. Getting Back To Happy talks about being mindful and slowing down. I am guilty of rushing. Rushing to get the day done and over with. Rushing to get my daily to do list done. I have forgotten how to be in the moment and appreciate this life that I have been blessed to live. Reading the chapter on mindfulness has helped give me the reminder that life is not all about working. Life is meant to be enjoyed and lived. I have stopped enjoying and living life. I tend to sit at home after a long day of work and shut myself off from the world. Part of that has to do with social anxiety and depression but what kind of life am I living if I am sitting at home? Changing even one little ritual throughout the day, Marc & Angel say can be the most useful and get you back into being mindful and ultimately being happy. (I’m a work in progress people)

Letting go has always been an aspect of life that I have struggled with. I hang onto every word, action, or behavior from others that has nothing to do with me. I sit in the questions and the anxiety of people not liking me. I struggle with letting go of the past. Marc & Angel say, “Letting go is about eliminating your attachments and expectations about how things “have to be” in order to be good enough right now, which clears space in your life to create an even better tomorrow.” Ultimately, the past is the past for a reason. Carrying what happened in the past creates road blocks for the present and obstacles for the future. It creates barriers in relationships and anxiety that doesn’t allow you to sleep or to live. I have been through many things in the past. I’ve lost my sister, my mom, and relationships within my family. These heartbreaking moments are out of my control. I carry that anxiety into my present relationship and it has ultimately affected many aspects of the relationship.

Where I am now in the book is a chapter on “getting unstuck.” These past few months, I have felt super stuck in my professional life. I’m so unhappy where I am at and it is creating issues in my personal life. I know all I need to do is take a leap of faith because my happiness is far more important than the little minuscule issues and thoughts that arise from day-to-day. It’s all about taking small steps in the right direction in order to get back to be happy.

Life is far too short to be anything but happy. As I dive more into this book and what I want to work on in my recovery, I know that happiness is not far from my reach. I have to be willing to change aspects of my life that are causing my unhappiness. As nerve wrecking as it is, my life will not change unless I am willing to change it and not allow fear to hold me back.

Having a support system throughout recovery and well after recovery is so extremely important. I am thankful that I have a wonderful support system in my life and I hope to be a support to anyone who is struggling. No one is alone! There is always support!



About the Creator

Hills A

“Every day may not be good BUT there is something good in every day!”

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