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Imagine if Success Was Guaranteed

For When You Want to Quit

By Ben Addison-ScottPublished 6 years ago 3 min read

Let us imagine that an omnipotent being has come down to Earth from the heavens to tell you that you are fully capable of achieving every goal you have ever had, with the only catch being that you had to work harder than anyone else on the planet and not ever, not even once consider giving up. The being tells you that everything in your wildest dreams, by its grace, is achievable, so long as you are willing to work for it.

Let us for a moment consider this eventuality.

Consider how much harder you would work every single day thereafter.

Would you allow yourself to slack and take more rest days than you know you should?

Would you stop during a particularly difficult workout and tell yourself "I'm not feeling it today. I'll get after it tomorrow," then meander off home feeling somewhat content that you at least made it to the gym in the first place?

Would you eat that tub of ice cream on the pretense of "I worked hard this week. I deserve it. How much harm can it do?"

Would you snooze the alarm until an hour after you intended to wake up, now leaving you with no time to hit the gym or go for a morning run?

Well, the short answer is—absolutely fucking not.

If you knew with an absolute certainty that you were capable of achieving greatness so long as you worked harder than 99.9 percent of the population and gave everything you could give every day then, without doubt, you would work harder than everyone else, day in, day out, no exceptions.

This doesn't mean, however, that times wouldn't get tough every now and then. Set-backs would hit you but they would be brushed aside and left behind. You wouldn't falter, but would instead realise that everyone catches a bad break from time to time and that you shouldn't get hung up on it. Besides, life has better things in store for you in the future.

Your nutrition would be dialed in to the hilt, and your body would quickly reflect this. Fruit, vegetables, and lean meats would be your new best friends. Processed foods would be avoided as though they were infected (are they?).

Your training intensity would reach unparalleled new heights. Heights that would have seemed completely dizzying only a few months earlier to a you that wasn't powered by the infallible force of assured success.

Your friends and family would see you in a new light and look at you as though you were possessed. They would respect you.

Your peers and enemies would be afraid of your rapid improvement and likely complain and talk shit behind your back to any who would listen. Fuck them.

Imagining all this seems not so different from a fairytale. But when it comes down to it, what is stopping you from doing all of this now? When you know that you have so much potential just waiting to be tapped into?

Imagine how much you would improve your chances of success if you did do all of this? Imagine if you took the leap and fully committed yourself to a better life. You would be unstoppable.

Of course, fanciful as it is, success can't be guaranteed—life would be endlessly dull and some might say pointless if it was.

I write this in the hope of encouraging anyone who has any sense of passion or fire not to give up on what you love, and that the next time you feel like quitting, or slacking, or missing a session, remind yourself that do have the potential to be the very best, and there's nothing that can stop you.


About the Creator

Ben Addison-Scott

Personal Trainer currently studying Sports Science, Physiology and Nutrition at Glasgow University. I find anything and everything related to health and fitness interesting!

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