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How Much Does It Cost to Smile?

And are you genuinely happy right now?

By A MohamudPublished 5 years ago 5 min read
Bagel King makes me smile more. BBQ Jerk Chicken Bagel !!!!

So... are you? I'll let you think about that one—here are some effective ways to push yourself in the direction of genuinely smiling a lot more and being a lot more happier and fulfilled.

Grab the scissors

I’ve had enough of energy vampires, I have had to cut off a lot of people in the past few years, for my freedom, not that I was locked up or anything but my growth significantly was. Usually, sometimes, not all the time, it’s something that life takes care for you over time, but in saying that, on the flip side, bad energies love to linger on and around, like a bad curse, and suck the life out of you, draining you off your mental energy. It may feel like you’re doing a huge disservice walking away, especially when that said individual or group of people doesn’t know they’re the bad social investment, because that’s what your social circle is, an investment, an investment of time, energy, mental capacity, availability.

Not all bad investments are to do with your social circle though, it could be your own family—I know, shocking *sarcastically*. It could be your job, your co-workers, the location in which you work in, the location of where you live and lay your head every night, the lay out of your room, it could be many things for all I know. The anxieties, and stresses we feel as human beings as a collective, are labeled as general anxiety. Generally, we let bad investments linger on for way too long, way past its expiration date, holding us back from being our best selves, acting as a distraction. Where’s the knife? We’ve got to cut it all off like a bad limb, one by one.

I’m stopping this right this second, not later, not tomorrow

What you’re generally doing at this current moment shapes your future, believe it or not. If you carry on puffing on cigarettes today, it will only be that much harder for you to quit tomorrow. If you carry on binge eating today, it will only be that much harder to resist “rewarding” yourself to a cheeky takeaway, tomorrow. If you carry on letting somebody disrespect you today, it will be that much harder for him or her to take you seriously tomorrow. If you keep saying to yourself “I’ll do it later,” it might get done later, but next time, it will be much harder to keep that promise, I promise.

Lack self discipline and you will always feel like a slave to your unhealthy desires, for a longer period of time which = TIME WASTED! Not all desires are good for you, generally be a lazy person and you will be a lazy person for an extended period of time. There is nothing more fulfilling than to say “I’m stopping this right now,” or “NO!” to bad habits, right in the exact second you think about them. I’ve personally experimented with this, because it's one thing to hear it, but when you take the action in doing so, it is much more fulfilling. Why wait to do that thing you said you were going to do, why not do it now? It saves you from wasting time; it saves you from feeling like it is a burden in achieving the task later on.

In the education sector, University students are a prime example of this, I was once a University student and I remember assignments being handed out two months before the lecturer prescribes the due date, and I’d scramble in handing in the assignment just seconds before the due time. So much time wasted, it’s incredible, and the finished product wouldn’t have been to my satisfactory levels, due to the other 96 percent of time wasted. I could have perfected those assignments! Just look on twitter, there are thousands and thousands of tweets, by students experiencing the same thing, dreading completing a task, finishing their 3,000 word essays, or revising for their important exams. Use these examples as a reference point and get ahead while you can!

Can I have these in a size (..fill in the blank..)?

Are you working towards something that will take the financial burden off of you? Do you dream of buying the expensive coat, or those expensive designer shoes (I know I sound evil right now), that expensive dress, that dream car, living in that dream house. Not taking action towards financial freedom is selfish, it's selfish to yourself because you deserve more for yourself, your family deserves more, your kids and your future kids to come deserve more, your husband or wife deserves more, all the people that you could help with your money deserve more. Now, all those people I listed, it doesn’t mean you have an obligation to help them out, but if they’re good to you and belong in your life and you’re able to help them, why not? Why be selfish?

Becoming financially free is not exclusively about the individual that becomes financially free. What if you were the answer to everyone’s prayers? What if you held the key and knowledge to make as many people as you can financially free just like yourself. You owe it to a lot of people to do that. Wasted potential is one of the worst things you could waste, especially when you feel like you possess the potential. Everybody has the same 24 hours in a day, what are you doing with it? That’s the question. Any mention of money to the average person, and they quickly think, evil. It’s a taboo subject, money is thought of as an unspoken evil, especially the topic of ways to getting more money, talk about it for too long with the average person, and they switch off, a fantasy they say! They feel like the topic gets boring quickly, try it out yourself. Next time you're with a friend or family, try keep up a topic of becoming financially free and observe how quickly the subject changes. The conversation quickly turns into a nonsensical topic about something on social media, or a new series on Netflix, or a private joke amongst friends and family. And yet, what baffles me, it is the single most important thing we think about everyday, because it is what runs everything. Money runs the world. It governs our life, if we don’t have it; we’re as good as dead. We need a lot of it, and fast. Smile more :)


Someone who's just saying it how it is.


About the Creator

A Mohamud

Currently earning residual income 🤑. Connect 📲💻 with my perspective! Instagram - @a.mohamud1

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