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How I Am Creating the Most Enjoyable Lifestyle

My life has been flipped upside down from doing these things.

By SumbeePublished 5 years ago 3 min read

The Transformational Power of the Sumbee Lifestyle

This lifestyle will guide you to awakening your true nature. It will help make your life flow with ease and lightness. You will no longer have to be stressed out and worried about the past and the future.

Many people are working to enhance their sense of self. They start new relationships, buy new things, and make more money.

All you are doing is trying to fill this inner feeling of lack with external things. You may be able to achieve your goals with sheer hard work and determination, but even if you do achieve these goals, you will still feel a lack.

To have true success in anything, you must act from a space of stillness and enthusiasm.

This lifestyle shows you how to break free from your mind and come deeply into the present moment. The present moment is where your power lives. It is where trues change can take place.

Photo by Jonatan Pie on Unsplash

The Sumbee Lifestyle

This lifestyle is about enjoying everything life has to offer and achieving your biggest goals while being completely at ease. You can work hard towards what you want without the struggle or stress of needing to get there.

We use various techniques and teachings to awaken our true nature and enhance our enjoyment of life. We train our bodies to be strong, powerful, and aesthetically pleasing. We use nutrition to boost our mood and keep our bodies working at its peak.

Once you awaken your true nature and live in the present moment, all your goals will be achieved with ease and joy. Your enthusiasm will flow into your work. People will feel how vibrantly alive you are. Life will start to work with you instead of against you. People, things, and events will change for the better. Life will begin to work in strange ways for you.

Life will start to manifest things that correspond with your new state of being. The world is just a reflection of your inner state. When you are in a state of joy, enthusiasm, and intense aliveness, you will end up attracting more of that without asking for it. The universe will find the perfect thing for you if you live in a state of aliveness.

Being Element

Photo by Cristofer Jeschke on Unsplash

The being element of the lifestyle is about awakening your true nature and living in the now. Being allows you to really enjoy life and feel the radiant aliveness all around you every moment. When you are in being, you are fully yourself. Once you live as your true nature everything else in your life will fall into place beautifully.

Body Element

The body element is to strengthen the body so we can live and enjoy life as we please. To have a strong and healthy body is one of the best gifts. It's not about finding the secrets to live as long as possible, but to make sure our body is prepared for anything life throws at us whether it be an adventure, sickness, or just being comfortable within our body. It is our home while we are on earth so we should learn to use it at its fullest potential. This means we consider nutrition, weight training, meditation, and yoga.

The Challenge

I will leave you with this. If you feel like there is something more to life and you feel like you need some self-care and self-improvement, then you are on your way to living the best possible life for you. If you want to improve your mental health and live in a state free from worries and stress, you have come to the right place.


About the Creator


I have created a lifestyle that helps you awaken your true nature and enhance your enjoyment of being alive.

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