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Get Up and Rise

Crafting Your Morning Wake-Up Call

By Carly BisognoPublished 6 years ago 5 min read

I wouldn’t say I ever had the “shine” part down of that whole, “rise and shine” thing growing up. Though, with the seasons of my life ever changing, so do my sleep patterns. Over the last couple of years, I've become more inclined to rise with the sun, enjoy my quiet time, and set my intentions for the day. This really developed in the fall of 2013, when I was embarking on a much less exotic, but just as muggy and invaluable, version of Eat, Pray, Love.

I went to Florida.

I’d recently entered into a committed, loving relationship with myself, and I was confident…I was the one. Along with the miles-long bike rides and spontaneous out-to-dinners as a party of one, my routines were unplanned, but had begun to weave a pattern of healing and consistency. This was what I’d come for. I wrapped myself up in these lovely little dailies of mine, and along with inspiration I drew from a few fellow yogis, I was beginning to bring perceptible shape and substance to my day. Now, five years and one west-coast return later, my morning practice continues to find growth, continues to weave and mend every corner of my heart and mind, inside and out of the four corners of my mat.

Stretch in bed.

From the first flutter of your eyelids, or, for some of us, the first fingering of the snooze button, try to remain still for a few moments. Notice your breath. Notice your body position, and how it feels this morning. Bring your arms overhead, and extend your legs for a yummy, full-body stretch. Bring your knees together, and begin rocking gently from side to side, and as you come back to center, move your knees together, slowly, in a clockwise motion. When you're ready to rise, roll onto your belly and draw yourself into puppy pose.

Finish with a few rounds of cat/cow pose.

Move soft and slow as honey.

Stay with these stretches as long as you need, do what feels good for you today.

Drink warm lemon water.

In my humble opinion and experience, this should happen before anything else…before coffee, before breakfast, before yoga. Drinking warm lemon water is like a hug in a cup for your whole body. Some of the (many) health benefits are:

  • Boosts metabolism and immune system
  • Aids the digestive system for proper function
  • Balances your pH levels
  • Flushes toxins
  • Reduces pain and inflammation
  • Strengthens the liver
  • Aids in the prevention of wrinkles and acne

Grab a nice big cup, add one to two slices of lemon to warm water, and give your health a hug today.

Get sexual.

Yep. I said it. Get naked, and get it on with your partner before you've made the bed and drudged your way to the coffee pot. First of all, you’re welcome. Secondly, there are a number of benefits your body will thank you for. Being intimate releases the "feel-good" hormone, Oxytocin, which will not only put a smile on your face and a pep in your step, but it can help you and your partner to feel more connected throughout your day. Like the delicious cup of lemon water, sex in the morning can help to strengthen your immune system, and studies have shown that in doing so three times a week (or more) may lessen the risk of a heart attack or stroke. Running late to punch the clock? Save time and spice it up by sharing a shower. I'll let your imagination do the rest.

Give "blue light" the red light.

Hi, my name is Carly, and I'm addicted to my smart phone.

I hope that makes you feel better about admitting that you may be, too. It is shocking how easy it is for me to fall into a social-media coma. When I’m kicking it solo, I don't feel guilty about scrolling through my Instagram feed of yoga teachers, foodies, hippie-dippie quotes and warm fuzzies. However, do we know when it's time to turn it off? Do we really over-estimate our will-power to power-down? I'm guilty of not only stealing quality time away from a loved one by fiddling with my Facebook, but actually asking them to participate. It’s not necessary to share every pic, every snap, every six-second claim-to-fame.

So, "Tweet" this: It's time to take a time-out. Enjoy your first hour of today with no technology whatsoever, or, at least, with no phone time. Whoever has called, texted, emailed…even it has way cute emoji’s...let it go. Unless it is something dire, there's nothing so important that we cannot allow ourselves to wake, breathe, and harness our intentions for the brand new day. Stretch…smile. Sing in the shower and plug into your good juju, instead of your iPad. Test it out for a few days, and see how such a little habit can shift your whole vibe.

Silence really is golden.

I believe my most favorite thing I began to practice in the morning, was to walk across the street with a cup of coffee, and just sit on the beach. It started out as a little joke from my mister…”Enjoy your morning meditation, Carls?” I giggled every time, but it really developed into just that. It was my morning meditation, regardless if I went for 12 minutes or an hour and a half. I would melt into the sand as my coffee begged my eyes open. I popped in my ear-buds, and hit shuffle on my softest playlist.

I can’t explain to you what happens during those quiet moments, with only the music playing to your heartbeat, and the power of sitting in front of the waves, as they pull back and forth your insides. This is a special place, one that will be different than yours. You might be uncomfortable…stay. You might get bored…stay. You might cry…stay. Float your eyes open, and trust that you’re exactly where you need to be, right now, wherever you are. You don’t have to be anywhere but here. Love on yourself this morning, carry it around with you, and keep on it…#everydamnday.

how to

About the Creator

Carly Bisogno

Writer, Yoga teacher, and the perpetual path-finder, you can find Carly in the ocean or cranking Springsteen, talking with her hands, or giving out hugs. Also, her favorite food is food. For more, cruise on over to her Instagram (@caarrls)

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