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65 Positive Affirmations for Effortless Life Balance

In 60 days, balance a purposeful happy life by inviting positive affirmations in your world!

By Silena Le BeauPublished 5 years ago 4 min read

Have you ever wondered how you can achieve balance in your life? One way to ensure a balanced life is to think positively. This is because your thinking can shape how you perceive any situation throughout the day.

Although a positive attitude is not an automatic guarantee of success, a negative attitude is a guarantee of failure. Using affirmations has pretty much increased the chances of success.

Make time to reassess your life on a daily basis as it is now.

Then make a conscious decision to take the necessary steps to become balanced. Set milestone goals for specific areas of your life and be willing to take the risk.

Louise Hay dedicated her life to teaching people how to live a positive and empowered life, with the assistance of positive statements and beliefs, which she called affirmations.

She taught that your point of power always exists within the present moment, where you unintentionally plant the mental seeds for creating each new experience.

It is a proven fact that you are never truly stuck. You can certainly choose new thoughts, as well as new ways of thinking.

The future can always be more positive, more loving and even prosperous. Just think about how you’d like to live and what you’d like to accomplish for yourself in the near future as you begin to incorporate affirmations as a part of your daily routine...

Louise taught us that every thought we think and every word we speak is essentially an affirmation. Yes, every little minor or major self-criticism and complaint that you have about your job or family are affirmations in her book.

As a result, we unconsciously go through our lives repeating these negative thoughts and words, which in turn create more negatives in our lives.

I sincerely hope that these wonderfully, positive affirmations by Louise Hay bring you joy, love, comfort, prosperity, and healing, in your life as they have in all of ours.

“I have come to this planet to learn to love myself more, and to share that love with all those around me,”- Louise Hay

65 Affirmations For Daily Life Balance

  1. Life loves me!
  2. All that I seek is already within me.
  3. Everything will work out for me.

  4. I am loved, and I am at peace.

  5. The tools I need to succeed are in my possession.

  6. Everything is working out for my highest good.
  7. Out of this situation only good will come.
  8. As I say yes to life, life says yes to me.
  9. All areas of my life are harmonious and balanced.

  10. Every day I make the time to work on all of my goals equally.

  11. Every day I achieve greater balance between my thoughts and my actions.

  12. Every area of my life is in perfect balance.

  13. All my life goals are in perfect balance.

  14. All aspects of my life are in perfect alignment.

  15. Every thought I think is creating my future.
  16. I am in the process of positive change.
  17. I now choose go release all hurt and resentment.
  18. It is safe to look within.
  19. I forgive myself and set myself free.
  20. As I say yes to life, life says yes to me.
  21. I now go beyond other people’s fears and limitations.
  22. I am Divinely guided and protected at all times.
  23. I claim my power and move beyond all limitations.
  24. I trust the process of life.
  25. I possess the qualities needed to be extremely successful.
  26. I am deeply fulfilled by all that I do.
  27. I prosper wherever I turn.
  28. As I forgive myself, it becomes easier to forgive others.
  29. I am willing to let go.
  30. Deep at the center of my being is an infinite well of love.
  31. Only good can come to me.
  32. I welcome miracles into my life.
  33. Whatever I need to know is revealed to me at exactly the right time.
  34. My happy thoughts help create my healthy body.
  35. Life supports me in every possible way.
  36. My day begins and ends with gratitude.
  37. I listen with love to my body’s messages.
  38. The past is over.
  39. I am healthy, whole, and complete.
  40. Everyone I encounter today has my best interests at heart.
  41. Though these times are difficult, they are only a short phase of life.

  42. My future is an ideal projection of what I envision now.

  43. Filling my mind with pleasant thoughts is the quickest road to health.
  44. Wellness is the natural state of my body. I am in perfect health.
  45. I am very thankful for all the love in my life. I find it everywhere.
  46. I know that old, negative patterns no longer limit me. I let them go with ease.
  47. In the infinity of life where I am, all is perfect, whole, and complete.
  48. I trust my intuition. I am willing to listen to that still, small voice within.
  49. I am willing to ask for help when I need it.
  50. I forgive myself for not being perfect.
  51. I honor who I am.
  52. I attract only healthy relationships. I am always treated well.
  53. I do not have to prove myself to anyone.
  54. I come from the loving space of my heart, and I know that love opens all doors.
  55. Today, no person, place, or thing can irritate or annoy me. I choose to be at peace.
  56. I am safe in the Universe and All Life loves and supports me.
  57. I cross all bridges with joy and ease.
  58. Loving others is easy when I love and accept myself.
  59. I return to the basics of life: forgiveness, courage, gratitude, love, and humor.
  60. I am in charge, I now take my own power back.
  61. I spend time with positive, energetic people.
  62. The more peaceful I am inside, the more peace I have to share with others
  63. I have the courage to live my dreams.
  64. I release all negative thoughts of the past and all worries about the future.
  65. My ability to conquer my challenges is limitless; my potential to succeed is infinite.
self help

About the Creator

Silena Le Beau

She expresses her gift of writing through each piece. She studied writing in college and has been inspiring people for 20 years. She gives back to the community & enriches them with enlightenment. Philanthropist, Empath and Nature lover.

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