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12 Steps to Making Your Life Better

Here's how...

By Raquel Z. DuartePublished 5 years ago 3 min read

It's that feeling of a desire to do something different. The little voice in your head that keeps you up late at night, thinking of the endless possibilities. The first thought in the morning as you get out of bed, eager to figure out how you can make this day different. Or wondering if life just won't ever change.

We all have dreams and goals. Some seem impossible to achieve. Others are just fantasies that we have never attempted to make a reality.

All change starts with an idea, a spark, a passion that begins in your head and heart. By you alone. And I know, without a doubt, that you have potential. And you are big enough to make something happen!

Here are 12 personal tips that can help you start living today.

1. Begin

One of the most daunting places you can be in is at the start of something new. Many of us have tried and failed, so we are afraid to try again. Some of us have started, but lost motivation. What do I say to this? Well, Ijeoma Umebinyuo said it best.

“Start now.Start where you are.Start with fear.Start with pain.Start with doubt.Start with hands shaking.Start with voice trembling, but start.Start and don't stop.Start where you are, with what you have.Just… start."

Start with a word, then a sentence, then a paragraph. Start with a phone call, then a breath, then a smile. Start with a key, then a car, then an ignition. Start with a spark.

2. Fresh

Clean out the clutter. Get rid of anything or anyone who does not bring value, happiness or meaning to your life. This includes the old toy that you used to play with when you were five and the guy/girl who only texts you when they are lonely.

3. Visualize

What do you want? Consider the steps on how to get to it. Write a list if you have to. Steps 1, 2 & 3. And then start. Intentionally.

4. Connect

Who is someone you have always admired? Who is someone you aspire to be like? Who is someone you wish you could sit and have lunch with? Don't be afraid to contact them. The least you can do is try. And remember—they are humans too.

5. Explore

Go somewhere you have never been before. Visit an art museum. Go camping. Take a road trip out of state. Inspire yourself.

6. Celebrate

This is a big step in your life. Celebrate your decision to move forward, to pursue your goals, to dream big.

7. Focus

What are the things in your life that make you love it? Expand on these. Do them more often. Is it being with friends and family? Singing? Writing? Hiking? Star-gazing? Traveling?

8. Dream

What is your dream job? Dream house? Dream property? Dream pet? Who says it always has to stay a dream? Have you tried pursuing it? Don't let dreams take back burner. Work towards making them a reality. It will take time. Remind yourself of that. But we aren’t handed our perfect lives on a silver platter. Yes, sometimes there is only so much you can do, and then you must wait for it to come to you. But for the most part, you need to go out into the world and find that life for yourself. Stay positive. Attract what you want.

9. Give

It is better to give than to receive, right? Give compliments. Give gifts. Give help. Give without expecting anything in return. There is always a sense of fulfillment when you make someone else’s day. You gain happiness by putting out good energy into the world.

10. Lose

Yourself—in a city, in a field, in a forest.

Others—who don't build you up.

Job—if it is one you hate, quit.

Roommate—if you don’t like them, move out.

Clothes—if they don’t “spark joy” or don’t fit you right anymore.

Negativity—from any part of your life.

11. Accept

Nothing worth having is easily acquired. Change happens, but sometimes slowly. Accept the fact that not all things will happen overnight. It takes time.

12. Live

You will never be as young as you are right now. How are you enjoying your life? How are you making it better? How are you living a life that is worth leaving a legacy of?

“If we wait until we're ready, we'll be waiting for the rest of our lives."

About the Creator

Raquel Z. Duarte

made in Rose City | creative | adventurer | authoress of "Pluviophile" & "Are My Eyes Still Tame?"

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